Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of u/lchamandy/2017-04-17

04/17/17 15:55:34 (8 years ago)


  • u/lchamandy/2017-04-17

    v13 v14  
    6262- We want to try other BCs to avert these reflections/inflows as much as possible.
     64- Fixing P on a spherical boundary while leaving other variables unconstrained may prevent inflow (Oliger+Sundstrom78, Rudy+Strikwerda80). This was tried below (case h).
    6566- In ProblemBeforeStep we try two alternative BCs, in turn:\\
    130131DESCRIPTION: Ambient medium becomes unstable and instabilities propagate inward after a few dynamical times, destroying star.
    132 (ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (pending on stampede) (Atm010)\\
     133(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (run on stampede) (Atm010)\\
    133134[ 2d density and velocity]\\
    134135DESCRIPTION: Very large velocities at early times at corners of grid.
    188189- Fixing the profile outside a sphere (c) results in a marginally more stable star compared with case (b).
     191- Although in case (h) the star retains its spherical morphology for longer, other instabilities are driven due to inflow.
     192It might be worth trying this case with damping.
    190194- Using reflecting hydro BCs (i) gives almost identical results as fixing the profile at the boundary (b).
    193197- The marginal improvement in going from case (b) to case (c) probably does not justify the need to artificially fix the hydrodynamical variables within the computation zone. But anyway, we consider both cases when we include damping below.
    195 - Fixing P on a spherical boundary while leaving other variables unconstrained may prevent inflow (Oliger+Sundstrom78, Rudy+Strikwerda80). This should be tried before we go on to longer more computationally intensive runs. Although in case (h) the star retains its spherical morphology for longer, other instabilities are driven due to inflow. It might be worth trying this case with damping.
    197200- Interestingly, reflecting BCs (i) are almost as good as fixing the profile at the boundaries (b). Since the former avoids the extra computation step of resetting the boundary to the initial profile every time step, reflecting hydro BCs are probably preferable to fixing the profile at the boundary.
    273276DESCRIPTION: Preserves shape rather well, but instabilities build up in ambient medium and propagate inward after a few dynamical times.
     278'''f) Extrapolated hydro BCs, periodic Poisson BCs $\tau=10^4$ s'''\\
     279(i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp008)\\
     280[ 2d density]
     281[ 2d density and velocity]
     282[ 2d pressure]
     283[ 1d density]
     284[ 1d pressure]\\
     286'''g) Extrapolated BCs, multipole expansion Poisson BCs $\tau=10^4$ s'''\\
     287(i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp009)\\
     288[ 2d density]
     289[ 2d density and velocity]
     290[ 2d pressure]
     291[ 1d density]
     292[ 1d pressure]\\
     294'''h) Extrapolated BCs, multipole expansion Poisson BCs $\tau=10^5$ s'''\\
     295(i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp011)\\
     296[ 2d density]
     297[ 2d density and velocity]
     298[ 2d pressure]
     299[ 1d density]
     300[ 1d pressure]\\
    275303'''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\
    276304(i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\
    304332'''IV) Large box (double box size and number of cells to $512^3$, so same physical resolution same)'''\\
    306 __Motivation__:\\
    308 __Setup__:\\
    343367'''V) AMR with large box'''\\
    345 __Motivation__:\\
    347 __Setup__:\\
    363383(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere\\
    364384- Did not run with AMR due to memory problem (even after increasing from 2GB/cpu to 4GB/cpu on bluehive standard)
     386'''__Overall Conclusions__'''
     388- Boundaries cause the start to become cubical. There is no apparent way to avoid this by changing the boundary conditions. The problem is associated with inflow that is stronger from the sides than the corners.
     390- For fixed grid simulations, reflecting hydro BCs or fixing the profile on the boundary or outside a sphere seems to work best, but the former is simpler and leads to faster computation times, so is the most natural to adopt.
     392- AMR seems to make this "boxiness" problem worse.
     394- Damping helps to alleviate the problem. A damping time $\tau=10^4$s prevents the boxiness problem from arising in fixed grid runs, but a $\tau=10^5$s does not prevent it completely. Ohlmann et al. 2017 uses a scheme whereby $\tau$ starts out small (1/10 of the dynamical time for 2 dynamical times) and then increases gradually until it is turned off at 5 dynamical times. Our dynamical time is a few times $10^5$s.
     396- The hydrostatic envelope model (ii) leads to large velocities and instabilities near the corners of the grid. It is apparently not possible to avoid this by changing the boundary conditions. Therefore, it is probably best to stick with a constant ambient pressure and density model.
     398- The next thing to try is to try varying the damping time using the Ohlmann et al. prescription (first for a $256^3$ model).