Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of u/lchamandy/2017-04-17

04/07/17 19:22:31 (8 years ago)


  • u/lchamandy/2017-04-17

    v4 v5  
    123123'''g) Fixed profile outside sphere of radius $4\times10^{12}$ cm instead of $5\times10^{12}$ cm, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs'''\\
    124 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density (pending on bluehive)\\
    125 [ 2d density]
    126 [ 2d density and velocity]\\
     124(i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\
     125[ 2d density]
     126[ 2d density and velocity]\\
    128128'''h) Fixed pressure outside sphere ($r=4\times10^{12}$ cm) with rho and veloc extrapolated hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs'''\\
    129 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density (pending on comet)\\
    130 [ 2d density]
    131 [ 2d density and velocity]\\
     129(i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\
     130[ 2d density]
     131[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     133'''i) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs'''\\
     134(i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\
     135[ 2d density]
     136[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     138(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (running on bluehive)\\
     139[ 2d density]
     140[ 2d density and velocity]\\
    133142'''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\
    146155[ 2d density and velocity]
     157'''Comparison with (a) on left and (i) on right'''\\
     158(i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\
     159[ 2d density]
     160[ 2d density and velocity]
     162'''Comparison with (b) on left and (i) on right'''\\
     163(i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\
     164[ 2d density]
     165[ 2d density and velocity]
    148167- Fixing the profile on the boundary (b) results in a somewhat more stable star compared with the fiducial case (a).
    150169- Fixing the profile outside a sphere (c) results in a marginally more stable star compared with case (b).
     171- Using reflecting hydro BCs (i) gives almost identical results as fixing the profile at the boundary (b).
    153 The marginal improvement in going from case (b) to case (c) probably does not justify the need to artificially fix the hydrodynamical variables within the computation zone. But anyway, we consider both cases when we include damping below.
     174- The marginal improvement in going from case (b) to case (c) probably does not justify the need to artificially fix the hydrodynamical variables within the computation zone. But anyway, we consider both cases when we include damping below.
     176- Fixing P on a spherical boundary while leaving other variables unconstrained may prevent inflow (Oliger+Sundstrom78, Rudy+Strikwerda80). This should be tried before we go on to longer more computationally intensive runs. Although in case (h) the star retains its spherical morphology for longer, other instabilities are driven due to inflow. It might be worth trying this case with damping.
     178- Interestingly, reflecting BCs (i) are almost as good as fixing the profile at the boundaries (b). Since the former avoids the extra computation step of resetting the boundary to the initial profile every time step, reflecting hydro BCs are probably preferable to fixing the profile at the boundary.
    155180'''III) Damping '''\\
    232257- From past experiments, we know that stability should improve with increased resolution and larger box size. This should allow larger values of $\tau$ to be imployed, as the current value of $1\times10^5$ is only about $0.2$ dynamical times, smaller than what is used by Ohlmann.
    234 - The hydro BCs used do not completely prevent inflow. It is a possible that fixing P on a spherical boundary while leaving other variables unconstrained may prevent inflow (Oliger+Sundstrom78, Rudy+Strikwerda80). This should be tried before we go on to longer more computationally intensive runs.