Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of u/lchamandy/2017-04-17

04/14/17 15:01:08 (8 years ago)


  • u/lchamandy/2017-04-17

    v8 v9  
    2020[ 1d density]
    2121[ 1d pressure]\\
     22DESCRIPTION: Star expands and contracts, becoming first more diamond-shaped and then more square-shaped.
    2324(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm001, 4.1 hrs on bluehive standard 120 cores)\\
    2425[ 2d density]
    2526[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     27DESCRIPTION: Star becomes unstable after about 1 dynamical time.
    2729'''b) Multipole expansion BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    3234[ 1d density]
    3335[ 1d pressure]\\
     36DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    3538(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm003)\\
    3639[ 2d density]
    3740[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     41DESCRIPTION: Star becomes unstable after about 1 dynamical time.
    3943'''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\
    7377[ 1d density]
    7478[ 1d pressure]\\
     79DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, and unstable after a few dynamical times.
    7681(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm003)\\
    7782[ 2d density]
    7883[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     84DESCRIPTION: Star becomes unstable after about 1 dynamical time.
    8086'''b) Fixed profile ($\rho$, $P$, $\bm{v}=0$) on boundary hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    8591[ 1d density]
    8692[ 1d pressure]\\
     93DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    8895(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm004)\\
    8996[ 2d density]
    9097[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     98DESCRIPTION: Star becomes unstable after about 1 dynamical time.
    92100'''c) Fixed profile outside sphere (of radius $5\times10^{12}$ cm) hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    97105[ 1d density]
    98106[ 1d pressure]\\
     107DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    100109(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm008)\\
    102111[ 2d density and velocity]
    103112[ 2d density extended range]\\
     113DESCRIPTION: Star becomes unstable after about 1 dynamical time.
    105115'''d) Fixed pressure on boundary with rho and veloc extrapolated hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    107117[ 2d density]
    108118[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     119DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    110121'''e) Fixed pressure and density on boundary with veloc extrapolated hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    112123[ 2d density]
    113124[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     125DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    115127'''f) Fixed pressure outside spherical region with rho and veloc extrapolated hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    116128(i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp024, 7.7 hrs on comet compute, 576 cores)\\
    117129[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     130DESCRIPTION: Ambient medium becomes unstable and instabilities propagate inward after a few dynamical times, destroying star.
    119132(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (pending on stampede) (Atm010)\\
    120 [ 2d density]
    121133[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     134DESCRIPTION: Very large velocities at early times at corners of grid.
    123136'''g) Fixed profile outside sphere of radius $4\times10^{12}$ cm instead of $5\times10^{12}$ cm, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    125138[ 2d density]
    126139[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     140DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    128142'''h) Fixed pressure outside sphere ($r=4\times10^{12}$ cm) with rho and veloc extrapolated hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    130144[ 2d density]
    131145[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     146DESCRIPTION: Ambient medium becomes unstable and instabilities propagate inward after a few dynamical times, destroying star.
    133148'''i) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, no velocity damping'''\\
    135150[ 2d density]
    136151[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     152DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    138154(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere, no velocity damping (Atm011, 11 hrs on bluehive standard, 120 cores)\\
    141157[ 2d density extended]
    142158[ 2d density and velocity extended]\\
     159DESCRIPTION: Star preserves its shape rather well but region exterior to star begins to be unstable after a few dynamical times.
    144161'''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\
    198215[ 1d density]
    199216[ 1d pressure]\\
     217DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    201219(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm004)\\
    202220[ 2d density]
    203221[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     222DESCRIPTION: Star becomes unstable after about 1 dynamical time.
    205224'''b) Fixed profile on boundary hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, Velocity damping with $\tau=1\times10^5$ s'''\\
    210229[ 1d density]
    211230[ 1d pressure]\\
     231DESCRIPTION: Square-shaped morphology and velocities reduced from case III(a), but still begins to be unstable after a few dynamical times.
    213233'''c) Fixed profile outside sphere hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs (same as II(c) above), no velocity damping'''\\
    218238[ 1d density]
    219239[ 1d pressure]\\
     240DESCRIPTION: Star becomes square-shaped, starts to become unstable after a few dynamical times.
    221242(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm008)\\
    222243[ 2d density]
    223244[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     245DESCRIPTION: Ambient medium becomes unstable after about 1 dynamical time.
    225247'''d) Fixed profile outside sphere hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, Velocity damping with $\tau=1\times10^5$ s'''\\
    230252[ 1d density]
    231253[ 1d pressure]\\
     254DESCRIPTION: Square-shaped morphology and velocities reduced from case III(a), but still begins to be unstable after a few dynamical times.
    233256(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm009)\\
    235258[ 2d density and velocity (10x smaller arrows)]
    236259[ 2d density and velocity (extended color bar, smaler arrows)]\\
     260DESCRIPTION: Rather steady and preserves shape rather well at ~1 dynamical time.
    238262'''e) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, Velocity damping with $\tau=1\times10^5$ s'''\\
    240263(i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp029, 6.9 hrs on bluehive standard 120 cores)\\
    241264[ 2d density]
    242265[ 2d density and velocity]\\
     266DESCRIPTION: Square-shaped morphology and velocities reduced from case III(a), but still begins to be unstable after a few dynamical times.
    244268(ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm012, 11.5 hrs on bluehive standard, 120 cores)\\
    247271[ 2d density (extended color bar)]
    248272[ 2d density and velocity (extended color bar, 10x smaller arrows)]\\
     273DESCRIPTION: Preserves shape rather well, but instabilities build up in ambient medium and propagate inward after a few dynamical times.
    250275'''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\