
Version 1 (modified by Luke, 7 years ago) ( diff )

New Work

Summary of New Results

Detailed Results

Binary run 116 (see also previous blog post) with half the softening length of old run binary run 088 (and relaxation run 062)
Relaxation run: 096
First frame: 75 (5 RG freefall times, when velocity damping ended)
Last frame: 168
Total simulation time: 3.36e6 s or ~4.2 RG sound-crossing times (93 frames)
Machine and partition: Stampede 1 normal
Number of cores: 1024
Total wall time: 96 hours
Hydro BCs: extrapolated
Poisson BCs: multipole expansion
Box size: L=4e13 cm
Base resolution: 9.0 Rsun (643 cells)
Highest resolution: 0.29 Rsun (20483 cells, 5 levels AMR)
AMR implementation: set automatically by AstroBear
Softening length: 2.4 Rsun
Ambient density: 6.7e-9 g/cc
Ambient pressure: 106 dyne/cm2

Face-on slice through secondary AND primary:

Edge-on slice through secondary AND primary:

Binary run 125 with longer simulation time and lower resolution in ambient medium
Relaxation run: 096
First frame: 75 (5 RG freefall times, when velocity damping ended)
Last frame: 335
Total simulation time: 5.2e6 s or ~6.5 RG sound-crossing times (260 frames)
Machine and partition: Bluehive standard
Number of cores: 120
Total wall time: about 8.5 days
Hydro BCs: extrapolated
Poisson BCs: multipole expansion
Box size: L=4e13 cm
Base resolution: 9.0 Rsun (643 cells)
Highest resolution: 0.29 Rsun (20483 cells, 5 levels AMR)
AMR implementation: set by hand to have max level around point particles
Max resolution zone: within 50 Rsun of primary and within a cylinder of radius 50 Rsun and height 50 Rsun around secondary
Buffer zones: 0 cells (no buffer zones)
Softening length: 2.4 Rsun
Ambient density: 6.7e-9 g/cc
Ambient pressure: 106 dyne/cm2

Density sliced at half-way point of box:
2d face-on full box
face-on zoom-in
edge-on zoom-in
face-on slice through secondary, extra zoom-in
face-on slice through secondary, extra zoom-in with velocity vectors

Comparison of density between runs 116 and 125:
face-on slice through secondary, extra zoom-in

Face-on slice through secondary AND primary:

Edge-on slice through secondary AND primary:

Mach number:

Relaxation run 129 with double max resolution and lower resolution in ambient medium than run 096
First frame: 0
Last frame: 138 (2.76e6 s or 9.2 RG freefall times of primary star, with damping implemented up to frame 75)
Total simulation time: 2.76e6 s or 3.45 RG sound-crossing times
Machine and partition: Stampde 1 normal
Number of cores: 1024
Total wall time: 92.5 hours
Hydro BCs: extrapolated
Poisson BCs: multipole expansion
Box size: L=4e13 cm
Base resolution: 2.25 Rsun (2563 cells)
Highest resolution: 0.14 Rsun (40963 cells, 3 levels AMR)
AMR implementation: set by hand to have max level around point particles
Max resolution zone: within 5e12 cm (71.87 Rsun) of primary point particle
Buffer zones: 2 cells
Softening length: 2.4 Rsun
Ambient density: 6.7e-9 g/cc
Ambient pressure: 105 dyne/cm2

Binary run 132 with double max resolution and lower resolution in ambient medium than run 116
Relaxation run: 129
First frame: 75 (5 RG freefall times, when velocity damping ended)
Last frame:
Total simulation time:
Machine and partition: Stampde 1 normal
Number of cores: 1024
Total wall time:
Hydro BCs: extrapolated
Poisson BCs: multipole expansion
Box size: L=4e13 cm
Base resolution: 2.25 Rsun (2563 cells)
Highest resolution: 0.14 Rsun (40963 cells, 4 levels AMR)
AMR implementation: set by hand to have max level around point particles
Max resolution zone: within 5e12 cm (71.87 Rsun) of primary center and within a cylinder of radius 20 Rsun and height 20 Rsun around secondary center
Buffer zones: 0 cells (no buffer zones)
Softening length: 2.4 Rsun
Ambient density: 6.7e-9 g/cc
Ambient pressure: 105 dyne/cm2



Binary run 133 similar to run 125 but now the refinement zone changes with time
Relaxation run: 096
First frame: 75 (5 RG freefall times, when velocity damping ended)
Last frame:
Total simulation time:
Machine and partition: Bluehive standard
Number of cores: 120
Total wall time: about
Hydro BCs: extrapolated
Poisson BCs: multipole expansion
Box size: L=4e13 cm
Base resolution: 9.0 Rsun (643 cells)
Highest resolution: 0.29 Rsun (20483 cells, 5 levels AMR)
AMR implementation: set by hand to have max level around point particles
Max resolution zone: within min(5e12cm, 2.5*particle_separation)
Buffer zones: 2 cells
Softening length: 2.4 Rsun
Ambient density: 6.7e-9 g/cc
Ambient pressure: 106 dyne/cm2



Next Steps

  • Output diagnostics including accretion rate onto secondary, drag force on secondary
  • Experiment with variations to "fiducial parameter values": initial separation, primary spin, accretion onto primary
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