
Version 4 (modified by Luke, 6 years ago) ( diff )

Updated Movie Library for Runs 132, 143, 149, 151

Density (zoomed in) in lab frame

Face-on density (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on density (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on density (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Movies corresponding to figures in Paper 1

Movies are in the reference frame corotating about the secondary with the instantaneous orbital angular speed of the particles, and with the secondary at the center.

Figure 1/Figure 2—-face-on density:
Face-on density (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Face-on density (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Face-on density (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)

Face-on density (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Figure 4 top panel—-edge-on density:
Edge-on density (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Edge-on density (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Edge-on density (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)

Edge-on density (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Figure 4 bottom panel—-edge-on density, zoomed in:
Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)

Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Figure 6—-flow around companion:
Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)

Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Movies corresponding to figures in paper 2

Movies are in the lab (~system CM) reference frame with the CM of the particles located at the center of the frame.

Figure 3 top row—-face-on normalized gas binding energy (red means unbound, blue means bound, yellow is density contours, vectors are velocity):
Face-on normalized energy (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Face-on normalized energy (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)

Face-on normalized energy (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Figure 3 second from top row—-face-on normalized gas kinetic energy (magenta means thermal energy dominates, green means bulk KE dominates, yellow is density contours, vectors are velocity):
Face-on normalized kinetic energy (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Face-on normalized kinetic energy (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)

Face-on normalized kinetic energy (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Extra Movies

Temperature (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Temperature (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Temperature (Run 149: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)

Temperature (Run 151: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)

Sound speed (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Sound speed (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Mach, lab frame (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Mach, lab frame (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Mach, frame corotating about secondary (Run 143: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Mach, frame corotating about secondary (Run 132: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)

Side-by-side comparison of Model A/143 (left) and Model B/132 (right) from Paper 1

Face-on density
Edge-on density
Edge-on density, zoomed
Tangential velocity
Sound speed
Mach in lab frame
Mach in frame corotating about secondary

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