94 | | || 0.1 || 20 || 200 || [[Image(betaP1_thicknessP01_mach20restartfrom1840016.png, width=500)]] || [https://astrobear.pas.rochester.edu/trac/attachment/wiki/u/madams/WireTurbulenceStudies/betaP1_thicknessP01_mach20.gif GIF] || - Strong magnetic pressure $(\beta = 0.1)$, wire radius, i.e. thickness = 0.01, Ma = 20 [[br]] - "Clumps" seem to grow in density over the evolution of the simulation. Starting with a wire radius of 0.01, it clearly grows to a larger radius (~0.03 cm). This seems to start once the clump moves past x = 0.6 cm. [[br]] - The clumps get pushed back incredibly far. Starting at $x_{i} = 0.25 \text{cm}$, ending at $x_{f} = 2.75 \text{cm}$. Perhaps this is due to the high magnetic pressure. [[br]] - A low density $(0.5 \text{dynes}/\text{cm}^2)$ region forms behind the clump at around x = 0.7 cm. [[br]] - Unclear when the clump stops accreting. || |
95 | | {{{#!comment |
96 | | || || 20 || || [[Image(, width=500)]] || [ GIF] || - Strongest magnetic pressure $(\beta = 0.1)$, thickness = 0.03, Ma = 20 [[br]] || |
| 94 | || 0.1 || 20 || 200 || [[Image(betaP1_thicknessP01_mach20restartfrom1840016.png, width=500)]] || [https://astrobear.pas.rochester.edu/trac/attachment/wiki/u/madams/WireTurbulenceStudies/betaP1_thicknessP01_mach20.gif GIF] || - Strong magnetic pressure $(\beta = 0.1)$, wire radius, i.e. thickness = 0.01, Ma = 20 [[br]] - "Clumps" seem to grow in density over the evolution of the simulation. Starting with a wire radius of 0.01, it clearly grows to a larger radius (~0.03 cm). This seems to start once the clump moves past x = 0.6 cm. [[br]] - The clumps get pushed back incredibly far. Starting at $x_{i} = 0.25 \text{cm}$, ending at $x_{f} = 2.75 \text{cm}$. Perhaps this is due to the high magnetic pressure. [[br]] - A low density $(0.5 \text{dynes}/\text{cm}^2)$ region forms behind the clump at around x = 0.7 cm. [[br]] - Unclear when the clump stops accreting. || |
| 95 | || || 20 || 67 || [[Image(betaP1_thicknessP03_mach20_to67_0067.png, width=500)]] || [https://astrobear.pas.rochester.edu/trac/attachment/wiki/u/madams/WireTurbulenceStudies/betaP1_thicknessP03_mach20.gif GIF] || - Strongest magnetic pressure $(\beta = 0.1)$, thickness = 0.03, Ma = 20 [[br]] - May need to check boundary conditions, increased the min density for this run || |
| 96 | {{{#!comment |