
Version 31 (modified by madams, 10 years ago) ( diff )

Marissa Adams (

Graduated from the University of Rochester with a Physics B.S. and Mathematics B.A. Currently employed as a technical assistant for our group while applying to graduate programs! Here I am working on creating a source for AstroBEAR and VisIt documentation, as well as descriptions of projects I am working on.



Visualizing PN/PPN Data with SHAPE

Under Construction

Turbulence Studies

Under Construction

WireTurbulenceStudies Page


My Library lists some papers that are useful for my projects. It also includes a link, and a summary of the article.


Under Construction


Software Documentation & Resources



Paraview is an visualization and analysis tool. It was developed for extremely large data sets in mind. It is open source so you can download it on your own personal machine.

  • ParaView Homepage, where you can download the software and check for updates on their blog. They also appreciate user's requesting new features.



SHAPE is a 3D morpho-kinematical modeling application for astrophysics that has been developed by Wolfgang Steffen, Nichlas Koning, Stephan Wenger, Christophe Morisset, and Marcus Magnor. Shape is also open source and available for download. Shape allows us to use astrophysical images to inspire and develop models.

  • Shape Webpage, where you can download, find news, publications and explore Shape's user guide.
  • arXiv: ''Shape: A 3 Modeling Tool for Astrophysics'', a paper summarizing Shape's capabilities. Was accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Wolfgang Steffen, Nicholas Koning, Stephan Wenger, Christophe Morisset, Marcus Magnor.



VisIt, which literally stands for "Visualize It," is an open source visualization and analysis tool developed by Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL). It can work on Unix, Windows and MAC workstations. It is installed on our local machines, and one can also access it in the interactive queue on BlueHive2. You can also download it yourself for free! Although you might want to check that you have a sufficient amount of ram before you visualize heavier files. Most of the visualizations we do are done with VisIt.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Resources

Download VisIt

LLNL VisIt Manuals

AstroBEAR Documentation on particular visualization techniques one could use in VisIt.

3D CDM Visualization Instructions : How to make a corner of a box using bov files in VisIt. Provides puts all 3 axes into one window, making data analysis easier. Also includes instructions on how to project sinks onto the construction in order to better understand where potential star formation could be occuring.

2D Sink Curves : How to plot sinks using a .curve file instead of the P_mass object in VisIt. Much easier. Only downside is that it seems to only work for 2D data.

Supercomputer User Guides

  • Stampede, a machine owned by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). Here is TACC's fancy advertisement for Stampede if you're interested.
  • info.CIRC, a wikipage for the machines owned by Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC). For instance our group uses BlueHive2, Bluestreak (BS) quite heavily.
  • What to do a large file transfer from one machine to another? Check out Globus. Here is a Blog Post written by Baowei on how to set up an account on Globus. Using scp and rsync may not be appropriate for data sets that are more than a few TB large.

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Page last updated at 03-03-2015 16:56.

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