Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of u/u/erica/BEAnalysis

05/28/13 13:56:26 (12 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/u/erica/BEAnalysis

    v3 v4  
    55  [[latex($\lambda_J \propto (Cs^2/G\rho)^{1/2}$)]]
     7By substituting for rho, we can turn this into the more physically intuitive condition:
     9  [[latex($\lambda_J \propto (Cs^2/G*M/r^3)^{1/2}$)]]
     11Thus, for a given cloud of radius r, sound speed Cs, and mass M, we can compute a Jeans length, which is either less than r or greater than r. For a [[latex($\lambda_J$)]] < r, the cloud is gravitationally unstable. For the opposite, the cloud is gravitationally stable.
     13Given the formulation of [[latex($\lambda_J (T, M, r)$)]] we can easily see how the Jeans length depends on the various quantities of interest for the BE problem. For instance, consider we hold M and T fixed and vary r. We see that decreasing r leads to a decrease in [[latex($\lambda_J$)]], which corresponds to making the sphere LESS stable. If we instead hold T and r fixed, but vary M, we see that an increase in M has the same effect. Thus we can think of the collapse in the various cases as occuring from either situation, either the r of the BE sphere shrinks or the M of the sphere increases, both of which can trigger collapse. We seem to be seeing different effects happening in the different simulations. 
     15Now, given it is likely a combination of these effects that are happening, and one in turn leads to the other, e.g. given the gravitational force is given by:
    717= The problem =