| 5 | This paper describes a series of 3D hydrodynamic simulations that explored the effects of placing a marginally stable Bonnor Ebert sphere in different ambient media. Various uniform density media were initialized that were in pressure equilibrium with the Bonnor Ebert sphere. These densities ranged from a traditional light ambient (rho=0.01rho(Rbe)) to an ambient with density that matched that at the sphere’s outermost edge (rho=rho(Rbe)). The main aims were to a) discern whether a massive ambient medium would be sufficient to induce collapse of the sphere, b) whether this collapse would be triggered by the ram pressure of infalling ambient material gravitationally accelerated by the BE sphere, and c) how this collapse would compare with the classic cases of outside-in and inside-out collapse of previous models. [The ram pressure was calculated at the sphere's outer edge and indeed exceeded the critical threshold of external pressure on the BE sphere. However, Pram>Pcrit long after Pthermal>Pcrit, thus it seems the increase in thermal pressure was the primary trigger for collapse.] In contrast, the sphere in the light ambient medium remained dynamically stable, oscillating slowly about its equilibrium values for ~ 5 crossing times. These results are qualitatively different than those found previously by authors such as who found a very nice outside-in collapse. |