Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of u/u/erica/BEboundary

05/28/13 12:25:40 (12 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/u/erica/BEboundary

    v33 v34  
    2020[[Image(BoundaryRhoMat.gif, 35%)]] [[Image(BoundaryVradMat.gif, 35%)]]
    22 As you can see in the left plot of rho, the density in the ambient, within a fictitious sphere of r=15, is increasing as the simulation progresses, going from darkest blue to lighter shades. This is coincident with increasing speeds in this region, likely due to the gravitational acceleration of a homologous collapse, of sphere r=15, rho=rho_ambient. The free fall time for the ambient is ~ 4Myr, or 0.25 in computational time (compare to the tsim = 0.216 above). The boundary of the fictitious sphere is set up I believe from the Poisson boundary conditions or solver...  I believe new material is not supplied at either this boundary or any physical boundaries after it is diminished, causing a rarefaction wave to be set up. Any winds coming in or going out from the physical boundary is just set to 0. Along the fictitious bounding sphere of R=15Rbe, material seems to be supplied from the external domain, and then this spherical region (1<r<15) seems to collapse homologously (shrinking and increasing density everywhere) for most of the sim. Speeds however, have a more complicated behavior. Outside of the sphere of r=15, speeds remain close to 0, but immediately within this sphere they continue to increase and move inward, becoming hypersonic near the spherical boundary early on.
     22As you can see in the left plot of rho, the density in the ambient, within a fictitious sphere of r=15, is increasing as the simulation progresses, going from darkest blue to lighter shades. This is coincident with increasing speeds in this region, likely due to the gravitational acceleration of a homologous collapse, of sphere r=15, rho=rho_ambient. The free fall time for the ambient is ~ 4Myr, or 0.25 in computational time (compare to the tsim = 0.216 above). The boundary of the fictitious sphere is set up I believe from the Poisson boundary conditions or solver...  I believe new material is not supplied at either this boundary or any physical boundaries after it is diminished, causing a rarefaction wave to be set up. Any winds coming in or going out from the physical boundary is just set to 0. Along the fictitious bounding sphere of R=15Rbe, material seems to be supplied from the external domain, and then this spherical region (1<r<15) seems to collapse homologously (shrinking and increasing density everywhere) for most of the sim. Speeds however, have a more complicated behavior. Outside of the sphere of r=15, speeds remain close to 0, but immediately within this sphere they continue to increase and move inward, becoming hypersonic near the spherical (r=15) boundary early on.
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