79 | | Tsim is the final time of the simulations and is defined by the time when a sink particle forms from the collapse, accept in the stability case where a sink did not form, and tsim is taken to be 5 crossing times for the sphere. All of these cases have ambient freefall times that exceed the simulation time, yet some drastically more than others. This may be a diagnostic for which ambients are more conducive to homologous collapse than others. |
| 79 | *Tsim is the final time of the simulations and is defined by the time when a sink particle forms from the collapse, accept in the stability case where a sink did not form, and tsim is taken to be 5 crossing times for the sphere. |
| 80 | |
| 81 | *All of these cases have ambient freefall times that exceed the simulation time, yet some drastically more than others. |